



1. 基础问候语

- 您好:Hello

- 谢谢:Thank you

- 不客气:You're welcome

- 对不起:Excuse me

2. 交通

- 请问到天安门怎么走?:How do I get to Tiananmen Square?

- 在哪里可以坐地铁?:Where can I take the subway?

- 这辆车去机场吗?:Does this bus go to the airport?

3. 购物

- 这件商品的价格是多少?:How much is this item?

- 我可以刷卡吗?:Can I pay by credit card?

- 我想退这个商品:I'd like to return this item

4. 餐饮

- 我想点这道菜:I would like to order this dish

- 请给我一杯水:Can I have a glass of water?

- 账单请:May I have the bill, please?

5. 景点

- 故宫几点开放?:When does the Forbidden City open?

- 我可以参观长城吗?:Can I visit the Great Wall?

- 门票多少钱?:How much is the admission fee?

6. 紧急情况

- 我需要帮助:I need help

- 我迷路了:I'm lost

- 请拨打救护车:Call an ambulance

7. 其他有用短语

- 天气如何?:What's the weather like?

- 您能说慢点吗?:Could you speak more slowly?

- 不懂:I don't understand





1. 第一天:抵达北京,入住酒店,游览天安门广场和故宫。

2. 第二天:参观什刹海,游船湖泊,探索胡同。

3. 第三天:游览长城,欣赏壮丽的景色和历史名胜。

4. 第四天:参观颐和园,欣赏美丽的湖景和建筑奇观。

5. 第五天:游览景山公园,俯瞰紫禁城的全景。

6. 第六天:参观中国航空航天博物馆,了解中国的航空航天成就。

7. 第七天:购物,探索秀水街等市场,购买纪念品和当地特产。








This Summer, I Aspire to Explore Beijing

Beijing, the sprawling capital of China, has captivated my imagination for years. This summer, I intend to embark on an unforgettable journey to witness its architectural marvels, delve into its rich history, and experience the vibrant culture that sets it apart.

Historical and Cultural Treasures

1. Fortified City Walls: I yearn to walk atop the ancient city walls, remnants of Beijing's imperial past, and marvel at the panoramic city views.

2. Forbidden City: I plan to explore the grand halls and pavilions of the Forbidden City, once the exclusive domain of the imperial court.

3. Temple of Heaven: I will seek enlightenment at the Temple of Heaven, where emperors once prayed for bountiful harvests.

4. Summer Palace: I anticipate a serene stroll through the Summer Palace, a sprawling complex of gardens, lakes, and pavilions.

Architectural Wonders

1. Great Wall of China: I am determined to conquer a portion of the Great Wall, a monumental symbol of China's resilience and architectural prowess.

2. Beijing National Stadium: I will admire the futuristic design of the Beijing National Stadium, known colloquially as the Bird's Nest.

3. Central Business District (CBD): I am eager to witness the impressive skyscrapers and modern architecture that dominate the city's CBD.

Cultural Immersion

1. Hutong Exploration: I plan to wander through the labyrinthine alleys of Beijing's hutong, experiencing the city's traditional lifestyle and architecture.

2. Peking Opera Performance: I intend to immerse myself in the captivating traditions of Peking Opera at a traditional theater.

3. Street Food Delights: I am excited to indulge in the vibrant street food scene, sampling local delicacies such as roasted duck and jianbing.

My summer journey to Beijing promises to be an extraordinary adventure filled with unforgettable experiences. I cannot wait to explore its captivating history, architectural marvels, and vibrant culture.

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